How Massage Therapy Boosts Your Immune System

Massage therapy is well known for its ability to alleviate stress, which has been shown to lower people’s immune defenses. But did you know that receiving a massage can actually help boost your immune system beyond stress relief?

Jeff Smoot, 2015 president of the American Massage Therapy Association, says:

“Researchers working with patients with compromised immune systems have found that massage therapy can improve how the immune system functions. Those same benefits can translate to people seeking to fight off the common cold, flu and other seasonal illnesses.”

How does massage boost your immune system? Researchers have found that after receiving a single massage there is a significant change in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that plays a large role in defending the body from disease. Massage also decreases the stress hormone cortisol which allows the body to focus on healing and effective functioning.

Making regular massages a part of your wellness routine will not only feel good, but will be good for you. To make regular massages easier for our clients, Salt Earth offers membership plans for our 60, 90, and 120 minute massages that can save you up to $50 per month!

Give us a call at (918) 364-7258 to learn more about our Self Care Package membership option, or to book your next massage!


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