Spa Cleanliness FAQ

Knowing that our facilities are overly cleaned and prepared for each client is important to us. Here’s a few questions we receive from clients about our spa cleanliness!

1) Do you clean the salt in the Salt Room?

No! That answer may surprise you but salt is naturally antibacterial and provides it’s own protection from bacteria and pathogens. While the salt is antibacterial it can still get dirty from dust and the footsteps of clients. To combat this, the salt floor of the Salt Room is raked to move salt that has been walked upon to the bottom and fresh clean salt to the top. New salt is added occasionally to keep the environment clean and sanitary.

2) Do you still clean the surfaces in the salt room if they are exposed to salt?

Yes! While our Salt Therapy Room is antibacterial due to the high salt content, all used surfaces are cleaned in between sessions. We always wipe down your seats, wash used blankets between sessions, and disinfect all door knobs and switches. The salt room is also wiped down completely every night to remove salt build up.

3) Is the salty air recycled ?

No! In between every session our HVAC System purges all air currently in the room. This allows each session to be a completely new (and sanitary) experience for our clients.

4) Are you using harmful chemicals to clean your spa?

No! We do our best to avoid harmful chemicals when cleaning our spa by utilizing the power of micro fiber, silver ions, and natural plant derived cleaners unless absolutely necessary. We are careful to make sure that the cleaners going on our surfaces and used to clean our sheets between every session are made without parabens, phthalates, glycol solvents, formaldehyde, and artificial colors.


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